
Herniated disc Coventry: Non Surgical Spinal Decompression Treatment.


Herniated disc/Spinal Decompression Treatment,  or IDD Spinal Therapy, is a Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive (no injections) treatment modality for management of pain associated with Herniated Disc. IDD Therapy provides fast and effective pain relief for conditions and injuries  such as Sciatica, Trapped Nerves and Bulging Disc (also often referred to as Herniated Disc or Slipped Disc).

Non-surgical solutions for pain reduction and improved mobility.

We use the latest modalities such as Shockwave Therapy, IDD Spinal Therapy and Low Level Laser Therapy to accelerate the recovery and healing process in management of neck and low back injuries. These treatment modalities significantly reduce both pain and inflammation and shorten the healing period.

IDD Therapy Disc Treatment Accu SPINA

Videos of IDD Therapy which may be of interest


Neck pain


Back Pain


For further information on the above use the TABS above.

Low Back Pain & Treatment.

What is it?

Low Back pain (or LBP), refers to any pain that is experienced in the lumbar region of the spine or its associated surrounding soft tissue.

Eighty percent of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctors. In fact, it is estimated that low back pain affects more than half of the adult population each year and more than 15% of all people experience frequent bouts of low back pain.

The susceptibility of the low back to injury and pain is due to the fact that the low back, like the neck, is an unstable part of the spine, unlike the thoracic spine, which is supported by the rib cage. This instability allows us to have a great deal of mobility to touch our toes, tie our shoes or pick something up from ground level, but at the cost of increased risk of injury.

The low back can withstand tremendous forces as long as it is healthy and functioning correctly. However, if the low back is out of alignment or has weakened supporting muscles, something as simple as putting a bag or suit case in and out of the boot of a car, picking something up off the floor, or simply bending down can cause a low back injury.

Studies have shown that when back pain is not treated, it may go away temporarily, but is very too likely return. The importance of taking low back pain seriously cannot be stressed enough. Seeking out the professional help of a chiropractor is one of the best ways to care for your back.

How does it happen?

The physical stress of modern living may cause excessive loading of the muscles, ligaments, discs between the vertebrae or the facet joints between that connect the vertebrae together. Under normal circumstances all of these structures allow the spine to move in a free but controlled way. These structures can become stressed over a long period of time and therefore are more prone to sprain/strain with normal everyday tasks during bending and twisting. So ultimately the lumbar disc can bulge and sometimes trap a nerve causing symptoms into the lower back, pelvis or leg.

The sciatic nerve itself may become compressed too. The sciatic nerve is located in the buttock and not the lower back, however all of the nerves that exit between the vertebrae join together in the buttock to form the sciatic nerve. This can become confusing for some healthcare professionals, but a good case history and thorough examination should help determine the cause of your pain.

How does it feel?

Most people visit the clinic with a persistent dull pain often described as a tooth ache type of pain, which is often accompanied by sharper bouts of pain throughout the day. You may also experience a restless or even a very disturbed night’s sleep. Your pain can also vary in character and you may describe your pain as gnawing, throbbing, stabbing etc. As well as pain, there may be numbness or tingling in the lower back, buttock or leg.

The pain may be very local and central to the spine itself or even radiate into the; buttock, hip, groin, or parts of the leg such as the knee, calf, shin, ankle or foot.

What should you do?

Low Back Pain does not get completely better by itself, it often needs manipulation. Although prescribed medication may help ease some of the symptoms, the cause of the Low Back Pain needs to be treated. If you have low back pain, consult a chiropractor who is expert in dealing with the cause of your pain and symptoms.

What shouldn’t you do?

If you have low back pain, do not ignore the problem. This can lead to a very long and very painful recovery.

Could there be any long-term effects?

If you have a mild sprain/strain to any of the joints in the lower back and it’s your first episode, then you can recover very quickly. However, unfortunately in many cases low back pain does tend to recur and cause longer-term effects.


Seeking advice from a registered Chiropractor is important in the treatment of low Back Pain. Initially, they can assist in diagnosing the cause of the problem and establish its severity Low back pain may be treated with; manipulation of the joints or soft tissues, stretching and strengthening techniques, the use of ice or heat, acupuncture, postural advice, heel lifts and low level laser therapy.

It is worth noting that taking medication can aid recovery or at least reduce pain levels and make life more tolerable; however this may be only part of the solution. For some people medication may not appear to help at all, making day to day life quite uncomfortable.

Cold or Low Level Laser Therapy is a modality with a five star rating for pain relief and the acceleration of the healing process.  Cold laser Therapy – more information on this modality can be found listed under “Pain Relief”section”.